Friday, January 31, 2014

Bear Graphing, Habit #5, and 100th Day Reminder

Gummy Bear Graphing...
Habit #5 ~ Seek 1st to understand, then to be understood..
(listen with your eyes, your heart, AND your ears)
Don't forget the 100th Day of Our Kindergarten Lives is Monday!!
You can dress like you are 100, bring a collection of 100 things, and/or bring in a treat to add to our 100th day friendship mix!!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Teddy Bear Parade

A message from the kiddos...
Teddy Bear Poem...

Please enjoy the video...
Thanks Mrs. Worth!


Monday, January 27, 2014

Journal Scoop and Teddy Bear Parade Reminder

Tomorrow is our Teddy Bear Parade at 2:00.  Please remember to send in your kiddo with his/her decorated float (box to drag the bear in), a small snack, and a small drink.  We will also have a special picnic in the room with our bears.  Thanks so much!!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Writing Time and Mystery Reader

Check out these stellar writers...
And our Mystery Reader was...
Happy Weekend!!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Meet Our Fuzzy Friends and Mystery Reader

We wrote about our bears/stuffed animals today...
 Be on the lookout for our class book coming home soon!
And our Mystery Reader was...

Friday, January 17, 2014

Counting by 5s, Symmetric Snowflakes, and Tuesday Reminder

Symmetric Snowflakes
Ask your kiddo what symmetric means!
Don't forget those teddy bears on Tuesday.  They will spend one week here at school.  On January 28th, we will have the Teddy Bear Parade at 2:00.  Kiddos will want to bring some kind of "float" (box or basket) to pull his/her bear in at the parade.
Change to our calendar ~ I will be out visiting another school on Friday, Jan. 31st, the 100th day of school, so the kiddos will have a substitute. 
 A note will come home on Tuesday, but we will be celebrating the 101st day of school on Feb. 3rd instead, so I can be there for the festivities!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Journaling Machines

I LOVE to see what these kids get excited to write about...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Hip, Hip, Hooray...It's PJ DAY!!!

Read and Write the Room by Flashlight...
Calendar by Flashlight...
Journaling by Flashlight...

Friday, January 10, 2014