Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Meet the New Sub and BIG THANKS Ms. Holtmann and All Parent Helpers!!

Meet the new sub...
Mrs. Stauffer (rhymes with cough-er).
There has been a change and she will be the sub while I am gone.
She has just finished student teaching in 1st grade at Sappington Elementary, 
and is absolutely ADORABLE!!  We spent time together today, and I think she is a PERFECT fit!!
Her email is

Party Pics...

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Christmas Cards and RekenWHATS?!?

Meet Our New REKENREKS...
isn't that just fun to say?!?!

It looks like our video is so long today that it won't post like normal...
please click on the link to meet our new friends...

Here is a link to an app that will let your kiddo practice rekenreks...