Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Reading Centers, Writer's Workshop Scoop, and It Was All Yellow (Mrs.Cooksey loves Coldplay)

The finished product of our Show Me app.
This is a free app that works like a dry erase board with a camera feature.
Can you see Oliver's name?  It's written all over his face!!!

It Was All Yellow...

In Writer's Workshop we got our own letter charts in our writing folders today!  We looked back at some of our older pieces and practiced using letter sounds to write labels on our writing. These labels will help us teach others about what we are writing. FUN STUFF!!!


  1. Dear Buddies,
    We love the videos! Wow, you are sooooo busy!
    Your 3rd Gr. Buddies

  2. Live all the different ways our kiddos get to learn. Looks like they were all doing awesome. Love your face, Oliver!

    Tara Tinnin
