Friday, September 19, 2014

SNAP, More Talented Kiddos, and Mystery Reader

Please do not worry if your kiddo doesn't know many of these words.  We have only covered the the first week of words (I, like, see).  I just want you to have what's coming.  My intent is not to stress you out.  We will cover these at school, and great if you want to practice them at home, too!
When playing SNAP, it's always great to start with a few words that your child knows, and then add just a few that they don't know (rather than trying to play with a whole bunch of words at one time that they don't know - that could take the fun right out of the game). 
Happy Snapping!!

And our Mystery Reader was...

Talented Kiddos...

I can jump rope.  Natalie

I can play tic-tac-toe.  Oliver

I can put in ponytails.  Kate M.

I can snap.  Hunter

I can kick high.  Elizabeth

I can do magic. Jackson

I can do a cartwheel.  Sylvia

I can twirl.  Eva

I can hula hoop.  Maddie

I can do Warrior 2.  Kate O.

I can wiggle my nose.  GiGi

I can draw a teddy bear.  Charlotte

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!


  1. Cooksey's Kiddos are very talented! Thanks for sharing. Mrs. Mershon

  2. So proud of all of these kids. What talent!! Mrs. Otte
